Fransisca Pramushinta, S.T. – The Main Commissioner 

Indonesian citizen, 45 years old.

Served as President Commissioner of the Company from 2016 until now. Completed his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology Malang, in 2002.


Dr. Ir. I Wayan Widia, MSIE – Independent Commissioner

Indonesian citizen, 61 years old.

Served as Independent Commissioner of the Company from 2024 until now. Completed a Bachelor’s degree in the Faculty of Food Technology at the Bogor Agricultural Institute in 1984, a Master’s degree in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1992, a Sandwich in Economics and Business at Cornell University, USA in 2008 and a Doctoral degree at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Airlangga University in 2009

I Gusti Arya Eman Himawan – President Director

Indonesian citizen, 46 years old.

Served as President Director of the Company from 2016 until now. Completed his Bachelor of Industrial Technology education at the National Institute of Technology Malang in 2000.

I Wayan Bakta, SE – Director

Indonesian citizen, 57 years old.

Served as Director of the Company from 2023 until now. Completed his Bachelor of Management Science education at STIMI Handayani Denpasar in 1992.